Bazaar Compatible Program | projects | documents | cn/fr


QR-Code Art
a painting by DeYi Studio


The QR Code was created in 1994 for labeling and tracking of parts in Toyota plants. It was designed and developed by the company Denso-Wave, which was then released as open source in 1997. The QR Code (for Quick Response) can code web addresses, phone numbers, text messages or texts. It is readable by all PDAs equipped with a QR reader. It can hold 4296 characters, while the bar code contained only 13.

The picture presented here by Deyi Studio reproduced in color a QR Code. It therefore contains a coded message read on your smartphone. This picture is part of a class already well known under the label "QR Code Painting". It does absolutely no claims to originality. An image search for "QR Code Painting" in Google offers 2.07 million results in 0.43 seconds.

The objective of Deyi Studio is not to patent products in the market for a new cultural idea that would open a vein to exploit in multiple versions and variations. This picture is likely to remain celibate and, closely, we see that it is quite badly painted, just to not fool anyone as paint. Rather, it is an operation that aims to combine the stereotype of abstract painting and a particular micro-culture (Not to say that "subculture" to avoid pejorative irrelevant). To start the "Bazaar Compatible Program" it was important to present a work that does not deny the common understanding by everyone of what can be an art work, while remaining within the scope of a micro-culture following the technological world, and convening the issue of encryption, a party of aesthetic compatibility.


[Visuals coming soon]